client = static::createClient();
// Ensure we have a clean database
$container = static::getContainer();
/** @var EntityManager $em */
$em = $container->get('doctrine')->getManager();
$this->userRepository = $container->get(::class);
foreach ($this->userRepository->findAll() as $user) {
public function testRegister(): void
// Register a new user
$this->client->request('GET', '/register');
$this->client->submitForm('Register', [
'registration_form[email]' => '',
'registration_form[plainPassword]' => 'password',
'registration_form[agreeTerms]' => true,
// Ensure the response redirects after submitting the form, the user exists, and is not verified
// self::assertResponseRedirects('/'); @TODO: set the appropriate path that the user is redirected to.
self::assertCount(1, $this->userRepository->findAll());
self::assertFalse(($user = $this->userRepository->findAll()[0])->isVerified());
// Ensure the verification email was sent
// Use either assertQueuedEmailCount() || assertEmailCount() depending on your mailer setup
// self::assertQueuedEmailCount(1);
self::assertCount(1, $messages = $this->getMailerMessages());
self::assertEmailAddressContains($messages[0], 'from', '');
self::assertEmailAddressContains($messages[0], 'to', '');
self::assertEmailTextBodyContains($messages[0], 'This link will expire in 1 hour.');
// Login the new user
// Get the verification link from the email
/** @var TemplatedEmail $templatedEmail */
$templatedEmail = $messages[0];
$messageBody = $templatedEmail->getHtmlBody();
preg_match('#(http://localhost/verify/email.+)">#', $messageBody, $resetLink);
// "Click" the link and see if the user is verified
$this->client->request('GET', $resetLink[1]);